Dental implants are the only restoration that delivers the feel and function of natural teeth. If you are dissatisfied with the performance of your dental bridge or denture, you may be a good candidate for receiving a dental implant. Unlike traditional prosthetics, implants are anchored directly in the jaw bone.
If you are ready for the superior stability and natural function that implant-retained prosthetics offer, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with our Denver dental practice. Dr. Mike Norouzinia is a board-certified periodontist who can handle every step of the implant process: from initial consultation to implant surgery and final placement of your restoration.
How lifelike are dental implants?
Natural teeth and dental implants are very similar. Both are primarily comprised of a base that is anchored in the jaw bone and a crown (visible portion). Instead of roots, implants are held in place via titanium screws that are surgically placed in the patient’s jaw.
Once the implant is placed, the surrounding bone tissue integrates with the metal through a natural process called osseointegration. This process effectively makes the implant post a functioning part of your jaw bone structure.
Implants serve many of the same functions as tooth roots do. Our teeth stimulate bone growth. Each time we bite, tiny vibrations from the roots encourage the continual regeneration of nearby jawbone tissue.
This is one reason why individuals who have experienced extensive tooth loss eventually suffer from jaw bone atrophy. Once placed, implant posts can prevent the loss of bone tissue. Heathy jaws leave cheeks looking fuller and more youthful.
Patients with removable dentures are keenly aware that the prosthetics are prone to slipping and wobbling, especially while eating tough or chewy foods. If you are ready to be rid of this often embarrassing feature, Dr. Norouzinia will be glad to discuss the many benefits of dental implants.
Once your implant heals, you will be fitted with a dental crown that mimics the function of natural tooth crowns. The materials used to manufacture crowns have a similar density to enamel. Many of our patients report that dental implants feel and function like natural teeth. Over 80 percent of patients who had dental implants placed reported that they were satisfied with the chewing function and comfort of their implants, according to a 2016 study by the National Institutes of Health.
How long will my treatment take?
The average treatment length for dental implants is three to six months. If you require bone graft surgery, your timeline may be extended by several months. The first step in the dental implant procedure involves establishing your candidacy.
Dr. Norouzinia will use advanced imaging to map out the features of your jaw bone. Once suitable placement sites have been found, your oral surgery will be scheduled.
After your dental implant surgery has taken place, you will need three to six months for your jaw to fully heal. After a few months, a minor surgery will be scheduled to attach small metal abutments to your implants. These devices are the point of connection between the implant post and your custom dental crown or prosthetic. Once your abutments have healed, your implant-retained prosthetic will be attached and you will be able to enjoy restored and natural-feeling oral function.
Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation Today
Implants offer life-changing benefits. The restoration allows patients to regain natural chewing function following tooth loss. To schedule your implant consultation, please contact Metropolitan Dental Care online or call (303) 534-2626.