woman with red hair and glasses taking a bite of pasta, holding a white plate full of pastaDid you know that how you chew your food can affect your weight and overall health? Many people eat too fast and don’t chew enough, which can increase hunger and cravings. Our dentist in Denver, CO, is here to tell you that chewing is more important than you might think!

If you have cavities, gum disease, misaligned teeth, or missing teeth, then you might not be chewing as well as you should. The team at Metropolitan Dental Care can help you fix these issues to promote better chewing and improved health. Want to see a dentist in Denver, CO, today? Call (303) 534-2626 for an appointment now!

Why Is Chewing So Important?

Chewing breaks food into smaller pieces, making it easier to swallow and digest. It also helps your body absorb nutrients the way it is supposed to. When you chew well, your stomach doesn’t have to work as hard.

But that’s not all. According to our dentist in Denver, CO, chewing helps you feel full. When you eat too fast, your brain doesn’t have time to register that you’re full. This can make you overeat and gain weight.

How Many Times Should You Chew?

Most experts say you should chew each bite at least 20 to 30 times. This helps your body digest food better and helps you feel full sooner.

Our dentist in Denver, CO, suggests chewing even longer for foods like meat or nuts. The more you chew, the easier it is for your body to use the nutrients in your food.

Chewing and Weight Maintenance

When you chew your food well, you eat more slowly. This gives your brain time to send signals that you are full. Studies show that people who chew more eat less and maintain a healthy weight.

Our dentist in Denver, CO, says that chewing also helps your body release digestive enzymes. These enzymes break down food and help you use calories better.

Healthy Teeth and Gums Make Chewing Easier

You need strong teeth and healthy gums to chew properly. If you have missing teeth, cavities, or gum disease, chewing can be painful. This may cause you to swallow food without chewing enough.

Our dentist in Denver, CO, can check your teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy. Regular dental visits can help you keep your gums and teeth strong.

What Happens If You Don’t Chew Enough?

Not chewing enough can cause stomach problems like bloating and indigestion. It can also make it harder for your body to get nutrients from food.

Our dentist in Denver, CO, warns that swallowing big pieces of food can be a choking risk. So, slow down, savor your food, and chew well before swallowing.

How to Improve Your Chewing Habits

Here are some tips from our dentist in Denver, CO, to help you chew better:

  • Take smaller bites.
  • Put your fork down between bites.
  • Focus on your food instead of watching TV or playing on your phone.
  • Eat foods that require more chewing, like raw vegetables.
  • Sip on water to help break down food.

Visit a Dentist in Denver, CO, for Healthy Teeth

Strong teeth and gums are important for good chewing and digestion. If you have trouble chewing, see a dentist in Denver, CO, for a checkup. Schedule a visit at Metropolitan Dental Care here, or call us at (303) 534-2626 for a healthier mouth and a healthier you!