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How can I fix my crooked teeth?


If you have crooked teeth, you may wonder “why?” If teeth are made to align correctly, why are so many people’s smiles misaligned and crooked? One theory says it's because of our modern diet. As early humans, we ate tougher, harder foods, and didn’t cut things up before chewing. Therefore, our jaws were much stronger and grew bigger during childhood. Today, our soft diet creates smaller jaws that are less likely to be able to adequately fit all our teeth in alignment. Crooked teeth are quite normal. But for our Denver patients who are looking to straighten their smile, we have [...]

How can I fix my crooked teeth?2019-04-07T11:16:48-06:00

Restoring a Broken Tooth


A broken tooth means a restorative dentistry appointment is in your future! If you break a tooth, follow these instructions to stabilize the tooth until you can be seen by our Denver dentists. Once you get to your appointment, your Metro Dental Care dentist may recommend one of the following treatments to restore your broken tooth. The type of treatment needed can vary, depending on the severity of the break, the health and strength of your tooth, or the location of the tooth that broke. Below, learn more about our common restorative procedures and what you can expect while in the [...]

Restoring a Broken Tooth2019-04-03T17:38:18-06:00

This is Not Your Mother’s Smile: Cosmetic Dentistry in 2019


A beautiful smile has been desirable for over two thousand years; evidence shows that the early Etruscans used fake teeth made of solid gold to replace missing teeth in a fashionable way. However, most of the cosmetic dentistry services you can receive today didn’t truly become safe and accessible until the last 100 years, and most hasn’t become widespread and mainstream until the last 25 years! There is still so much room for advancement in the cosmetic dentistry field. Just like technological advancements in other areas, dental technology is advancing at an incredible pace. In 2019, your Denver cosmetic dentist can [...]

This is Not Your Mother’s Smile: Cosmetic Dentistry in 20192019-03-15T12:28:22-06:00

When to Seek Replacement Teeth


Every Denver dentist will tell you that your natural teeth are always worth saving; maintaining the “real thing” is the best option for a healthy comfortable smile. But sometimes, replacement teeth are needed because — life happens; when teeth are no longer positively impacting your oral health, or are beyond restorative procedures, tooth replacement offers a safe and effective alternative. But many patients wonder when is the right time to seek out replacement teeth? How do you know when replacement teeth will be better than your natural teeth? Read on to discover the common reasons why our patients receive replacement teeth. [...]

When to Seek Replacement Teeth2019-03-15T12:21:39-06:00

Why do I need gum surgery and what can I expect?


When you think about the health of your mouth, you probably think about strong, clean teeth. Many people fail to think about the health of their gums, too; but the health and wellness of your gums is just as important to the overall health of your mouth as the health of your teeth. At Metro Dental Care, Dr. Norouzinia, a board-certified periodontist, helps Denver patients eliminate gum disease, and improve the health and aesthetics of their gums every day. If your dentist has recommended gum surgery to you, the health of your gums may be at risk. Continue reading to learn [...]

Why do I need gum surgery and what can I expect?2019-03-15T12:17:13-06:00
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