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How Periodontal Care Can Improve Your Overall Wellness


By now, you’ve probably heard about the undeniable link between oral health and systemic health. But why does this connection exist, and why does regular dental care boost your quality of life? Today, our team at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver explains how periodontal care can improve your overall wellness. To schedule an appointment at our practice, contact us at 303-534-2626. We have two offices serving Lone Tree and Denver. Exploring the Mouth-Body Connection The oral cavity is teeming with bacteria. Most of the bacteria found here are harmless – but some have the potential to cause disease. Because the mouth [...]

How Periodontal Care Can Improve Your Overall Wellness2025-01-13T12:26:17-07:00

What to Expect Before, During, and After Your Deep Dental Cleaning


If you’ve been told you need a deep dental cleaning (also known as scaling and root planing), you may be wondering about the details of this procedure. What is it? How is it different from a regular hygiene visit? Do I really even need it? Today, our team at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver explains what to expect before, during, and after your deep dental cleaning so you can be well-informed and prepared for your appointment. If you would like to schedule a visit at our practice, give us a call at 303-534-2626. We can help determine if a deep dental [...]

What to Expect Before, During, and After Your Deep Dental Cleaning2025-01-13T12:26:18-07:00

Why Dental Implants are Our #1 Tooth Replacement Choice


In 2019, we have access to the best dental technology in history! The restorations and cosmetic procedures you receive today are made of the best materials, with longer lifespans than ever before. While other Denver tooth replacement treatments have greatly improved and become stronger and more aesthetic, we still believe dental implants are the best option for restoring a single tooth. These freestanding dental restorations restore a missing tooth root to provide more benefits than any other treatment option available today. Below, discover the reasons why our team of Denver dentists chooses dental implants as much as possible for stronger smile [...]

Why Dental Implants are Our #1 Tooth Replacement Choice2019-05-13T09:31:33-06:00

What is your tooth pain telling you?


Our body has a way of communicating with our mind when something is “off”; usually, it’s through pain or discomfort. Sore muscles, sinus pressure, and headaches are all ways that our body communicates that it needs rest, water, or anything else. Your teeth and gums are no different! When patients call our Denver dental practice complaining of tooth pain, it’s an indication that something is not as it should be. To discover the source of the pain, and to treat the underlying issue, our doctors use information such as the patient’s description of the pain, as well as X-ray images and [...]

What is your tooth pain telling you?2019-05-13T09:31:25-06:00

Soothe Toothache Pain at Home


Toothaches always have a way of striking at the most inopportune times: on the weekend, before vacation, during a stressful time at work, or even in the middle of the night. Toothaches are usually, but not always, caused by tooth decay or cavities, which means that restorative dental treatment is needed to eliminate the source of the pain. Scheduling an appointment at our Denver practice is the first step you should take to deal with a toothache. However, toothache pain could persist, or come and go, until you can get in to see one of our doctors. So what can you [...]

Soothe Toothache Pain at Home2019-05-10T16:03:21-06:00
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