Veneer placed on tooth photo

Are you unhappy with the look of your smile?

Have you avoided wearing braces to straighten your front teeth?

Would you like permanently white, bright teeth?

A dental veneer is a thin, handcrafted restoration made of layered dental porcelain. It looks and feels natural and never needs whitening. Porcelain dental veneers can make a person look younger, healthier, friendlier, more successful, and more attractive

At Metro Dental Center in Denver, our cosmetic dentists may suggest a dental veneer, or a set of veneers, to accomplish these goals:

  • Brighter teeth
  • Properly aligned teeth
  • Esthetically shaped teeth
  • Balance and symmetry of the smile

In today’s blog, we’ll elaborate on how a dental veneer accomplishes these transformations.

Brighter Teeth

A ceramist in a dental lab carefully layers esthetic dental porcelain to fabricate a dental veneer. Though porcelain is porous, it does not stain as natural tooth enamel does. You should also know that dental restorations like veneers, crowns, and bridges do not respond to teeth-whitening chemicals.

We often recommend patients undergo professional teeth whitening before getting veneers so that all the teeth are at their best shade of white when veneer shading is selected. Once the veneers are in place, if natural teeth stain, they can be whitened again to blend with the veneers’ coloring.

Properly Aligned Teeth

A set of porcelain dental veneers can address minor tooth crowding, as well as wide or uneven spacing. Your cosmetic dentist will design your veneers so that they appear straight, symmetrical, and uniform, closing awkward gaps for the most attractive result.

Esthetically Shaped Teeth

When the top two permanent front teeth develop during childhood, they have a ridged edge. By the teen years, the ridges usually wear smooth. Teens and adults enjoy an esthetically pleasing straight edge to these front teeth, in most cases. Sometimes, though, the teeth don’t wear smoothly, thus they aren’t as attractive as they could be. Veneers will address the ridged teeth by covering them with straight-edged, esthetic restorations.

Many people chip their front teeth when biting down on a hard object or enduring an injury, like an elbow to the mouth or baseball to the jaw. While dental chips are not at all attractive, they can be easily erased with a dental veneer.

Another issue with tooth shape occurs in the canine teeth, the third teeth from the midline, on the top arch. Long, sharp canines look like they belong on a wild animal or a vampire! Dental veneers, and in some cases a bit of tooth contouring, can alleviate the harsh appearance of canines for a softer, gentler-looking smile.

If you have ridged, chipped, jagged, or sharp teeth, veneers will correct the imperfections. Your dental veneers will cover the entire front surface of your teeth, top to bottom, so they’ll look shapely and sensational!

Balance and Symmetry of the Smile

Humans find symmetry esthetically pleasing. We like the look of balance, in general. Some common smile imperfections that create asymmetry occur when front teeth overlap; a front tooth is slightly twisted or crooked; or one tooth appears larger than others. Cosmetic porcelain veneers are known as the one-treatment smile makeover because they address all of these concerns and more.

Porcelain veneers are designed to look the same to the right and left of the midline (where the front two teeth come together). This achieves symmetry, which translates to an attractive appearance.

Your Cosmetic Dentist in Denver

Would a dental veneer improve your smile? Whether you need to correct a single tooth or you need a full eight upper and eight lower teeth veneers, the cosmetic dentists at Metro Dental Care of Denver can deliver. Give us a call today at 303-534-2626 to schedule your cosmetic consultation.