Tooth and gum disease medical dental chart concept with healthy teeth getting gingivitis and periodontitis resulting in inflammation and bone loss due to poor oral hygiene as a 3D illustration.A smile is a simple gesture that conveys warmth, joy, and confidence. However, what happens when gum disease enters the picture? Beyond the obvious effects on oral health, gum disease can cast a shadow over your once radiant smile, impacting both your appearance and overall well-being. Luckily, periodontal services with a dentist in Denver, CO, can help.

Is gum disease taking a toll on your grin? Don’t let the condition rob you of your health and happiness. Get the care you need with the team at Metropolitan Dental Care. Schedule periodontal services with a dentist in Denver, CO, by dialing (303) 5345-2626 now!

Gum disease (also called periodontal disease or periodontitis) is a common but often underestimated dental issue that affects the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums and bone. In today’s blog, our dentist in Denver explains what happens to your smile as gum disease progresses.

Gingivitis – The Initial Phase

Gingivitis is the very beginning stage of the condition, and roughly 90% of the population currently lives with it. At this point, the disease is reversible, making early detection key. Regular dental checkups with a dentist in Denver can help keep gingivitis at bay. 

Periodontitis – The Next Phase

As gum disease progresses, the damage begins to take a noticeable and irreversible toll. Once the disease progresses into periodontitis, you may notice that your once healthy and pink gums have taken on a reddish hue, indicating inflammation and compromised oral health.

Inflammation and Pockets

If left untreated, the inflammation will get worse and worse, leading to deep pockets between the teeth and gums. As the disease progresses and these pockets deepen, the gums become a breeding ground for more bacteria, exacerbating the damage to the supporting structures of the teeth.

Bone Loss and Shifting Teeth

The consequences of gum disease extend beyond the gums themselves. The bone that supports the teeth may start to deteriorate, causing teeth to become loose or shift. This can result in changes to the alignment of your teeth and alter the overall appearance of your smile.

Chronic Bad Breath

Additionally, persistent bad breath (halitosis) is a common side effect of advanced gum disease. The bacteria thriving in the pockets between the teeth and gums release foul-smelling gases, contributing to an unpleasant odor. 

Low Self-Confidence

The psychological impact of gum disease cannot be overlooked. Many individuals with advanced periodontal disease may become self-conscious about their smile, leading them to avoid social activities or engagements

Hope for a Healthy Smile

Fortunately, there is hope for those facing the challenges of gum disease. Seeking prompt dental care with a dentist in Denver and adopting a rigorous oral hygiene routine can help manage and even reverse the early stages of gum disease

Schedule an Appointment with a Dentist in Denver, CO

The best way to avoid gum disease is to schedule regular checkups and cleanings at Metropolitan Dental Care. However, if you are already living with the condition, then periodontal services (like scaling and root planing) may be the best way to establish a healthier smile. Contact our team online here or at (303) 534-2626 to see how we can help you get a cleaner, stronger smile today!