Tooth loss affects approximately 120 million Americans. Historically, people with missing teeth restored their smiles with traditional dentures or dental bridges. However, modern dentistry has made tremendous strides in dental restorations, such as with the advent of dental implants.

Dental implants are a long-lasting solution to replace one or more missing teeth. Through a process known as osseointegration, a surgically-placed titanium post fuses to the natural bone tissue of the jaw. This post serves as the implant onto which dental professionals can place a restorative device, such as:

  • Dental crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Snap-on Dentures

At Metropolitan Dental Care, we are proud to have a highly skilled and qualified group of dental professionals. They are always ready to discuss your implant and restoration options at an in-depth consultation. Get started on the implant journey today by scheduling your teeth implant consultation online.

Nevertheless, education is the first step to seeking and receiving quality dental care. So, while you’re waiting for your consultation, let our Denver dentists debunk some common teeth implant myths. 

They are Exclusively Cosmetic

It’s true–dental implants do serve a cosmetic purpose. However, they serve a more important purpose as a restorative device. 

Prolonged and untreated tooth loss leads to additional issues, such as:

  • Jawbone deterioration
  • Drooping facial features
  • Shifting of the remaining teeth
  • Impaired chewing and speaking function

However, dental implants mitigate these issues, because they act as the missing tooth’s natural root. By replacing the root, the implant promotes healthy nerves and blood circulation while preventing jawbone deterioration and tooth shifting. 

Only People Missing All of Their Teeth Can Get Implants

Whether a patient is missing one or all of their teeth, dental implants are a great restorative solution. In fact, Metropolitan Dental Care offers three types of implant-supported restorations to fit any patient’s needs, such as:

  • Dental crowns: This option is great for patients with sporadically missing teeth or singular tooth loss.
  • Dental bridges: For patients with one to three missing teeth in a row, implant-supported bridges are an ideal solution.
  • Dentures: Patients with considerable tooth loss benefit most from implant-supported dentures.

The Surgery Is Extremely Painful and Invasive

It’s true that dental implants require oral surgery to place the titanium post into the jawbone. However, our caring dental team takes patient comfort very seriously. That’s why we use only the most current techniques, technology, and numbing and sedative agents. Furthermore, most patients receiving implants find that over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient to relieve any lingering pain after the procedure. In most cases, patients can resume their normal activities after two to three days.

They Have a Low Success Rate

Dental implants are among some of the most successful dental procedures available today. At an estimated 98% success rate, dental implants are an excellent restorative solution for the majority of the population.

They Aren’t as Strong as Natural Teeth

Because dental implants fuse directly to the jawbone, they are incredibly sturdy and durable devices. Patients with implants can expect to enjoy their restorations for decades or even for life with proper dental hygiene and care.

They Require Extra Care and Upkeep

The restorations that dentists place on dental implants do not require more than normal oral hygiene and care. So, brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, regular dental checkups and cleanings, and occasionally replacing worn restorations is sufficient to establish and maintain good oral health. 

They’ll Make My Smile Look Fake

At Metropolitan Dental Care, our team helps patients customize their restorations to suit their personality, facial features, and overall aesthetic. So, whether it’s an implant-supported dental crown, bridge, or dentures, patients can enjoy a smile that looks and feels natural. 

Restorative Dentistry in Denver, CO

Don’t let tooth loss continue to impact your life–schedule a dental implant consultation today. Our caring team is ready to answer your questions and guide you on the journey to stellar oral health. Book your appointment today by calling (303) 534-2626 or contacting us online.