A friendly couple smiling and embracing each other after receiving cosmetic dentistry treatment in Denver

After thinking it over carefully, you may be wondering if cosmetic dentistry is a suitable solution. Book a consultation to see if you are a candidate. Our Denver cosmetic dentists will consider the condition of your teeth and gums to see if you qualify. At Metropolitan Dental Care, our experienced team offers a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Gum contouring
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Cosmetic bonding
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Dental restorations and implants (such as dental crowns and bridges)

Currently, Fortune™ Business Insights estimates that the cosmetic dentistry market is worth billions of dollars and expected to grow. Why are people investing in cosmetic dentistry? Here, we explain why this industry continues to be popular.

Access and Affordability

Did you know that the term “Hollywood Smile” is rumored to have started with movie stars and cosmetic dentists in California? During the early 20th century, Dr. Charles Pincus invented veneers to help actors and actresses achieve the appearance of a whiter, straighter smile. He later published his secret in an entry titled “Building Mouth Personality” in the Journal of California Dental Association.

Today, veneers and other smile-improving techniques are not reserved for the rich and famous. Some general dentists undergo additional training to offer cosmetic dentistry in their practices and serve as a one-stop shop for dentistry services.

Zoom Dysmorphia

Since the spark of the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferences have been a popular way to connect with others for work, school, and other social settings. Even though video conferencing has been a valuable tool for some, the other side of that coin is that many people are becoming hyperaware of their perceived flaws.  

The International Journal of Women’s Dermatology published a survey in 2021 with the premise of how virtual life influences a person’s self-perception, anxiety, and overall mental health as we return to in-person activities. In this survey, 71% of participants reported stress or anxiety related to in-person activities. We predict that people will improve their appearances (including cosmetic dentistry) to address this insecurity.

Chronic Stress

If you have been feeling extra pressure lately, you are not alone. In American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2021 Work and Well-being Survey, 79% of employees reported experiencing work-related stress in the month before the survey. Although stress technically isn’t a disease, it can have devastating consequences. Bruxism is defined by habitually and involuntarily grinding the teeth and can be induced by chronic stress. 

While preventative treatment is ideal, it’s not always an option. The pressure from excessively grinding the teeth can lead to: 

  • Gum recession
  • Facial soreness and inflammation
  • Worn down enamel or uneven dental surfaces

So, what can you do if it’s too late? If the damage is light, such as a slight chip, it may be resolved with any of the following:

  • Dental bonding
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Porcelain veneers

However, a dental restoration (for example, an implant-supported dental crown) may be necessary if the damage is extensive. Even though a cosmetic dentist can help improve the appearance of damage, he or she should also help you come up with a plan to tackle the source of your problem (to prevent further dental damage). 

Speak with a Cosmetic Dentist in Denver, CO

As long as you have healthy teeth and gums, why not start your journey to a better-looking smile? Life is too short to wonder “what if.” Instead, just do it. Call 303-534-2626 or message us online to schedule a consultation in Denver.