A dentist in Denver, CO, demonstrates dental implant placementYou may find that eating, speaking, and smiling just aren’t the same when your smile is incomplete. But, you don’t have to let tooth loss continue to affect your quality of life. Restorative dentistry treatments (like dental implant surgery) can help you replace missing teeth so that you can live your life to the fullest.

At Metropolitan Dental Care, our team of highly-skilled dental professionals can handle all of your preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental needs. Want to see why we are a favorite among patients in Denver, CO? Schedule a new-patient appointment at (303) 534-2626 or online here.

If you’re interested in repairing your smile with dental implants, then keep reading. In today’s blog post, we answer some important questions so that you can make the best choice for you, your smile, and your oral health.

How painful is a dental implant on a scale of zero to 10?

Pain is subjective and, therefore, difficult to quantify. Furthermore, there are different stages of the dental implant process that have varying levels of discomfort.

Nevertheless, here is approximately the level of pain patients can expect during different stages of the implant process. These values are on a scale of zero to 10, with zero being ‘no pain’ and 10 being ‘torturous pain.’

Dental Implant Surgery

During the surgery, our Denver dentists can ensure patients’ complete comfort with sedatives, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. Therefore, patients should not feel any pain, but they may feel some discomfort, like minor pressure

Many patients rate the pain of implant surgery around a level two or three.

24 to 48 Hours after Dental Implant Surgery

This is the stage at which patients typically experience the most pain. However, prescription medications, over-the-counter painkillers, ice packs, and lower activity levels can help patients mitigate pain.

Most patients report a postoperative pain level of around three or four

Full Recovery

Once completely healed, a dental implant officially becomes a permanent structure in the mouth. As such, it does not cause patients any pain. Therefore, a properly-healed dental implant has a pain level of zero.

What is the downside of dental implants?

Implant surgery is remarkably safe and effective, as implants have a roughly 98% survival rate after five years. However, the procedure is not without its risks or complications, which may include:

  • Infections
  • Lengthy recovery periods (full recovery is estimated at three to six months)
  • Nerve, bone, or dental damage
  • Prolonged pain, swelling, and bleeding

How long does implant surgery take?

The surgery itself may take between one and two hours. Full recovery may take over three months.

Who is not a good candidate for dental implants?

Patients who may not be ideal candidates for dental implants may include:

  • Children, teenagers, or patients with underdeveloped jaws
  • Tobacco users, including smokeless tobacco users
  • Patients with poor oral hygiene
  • Patients with chronic conditions that may affect wound healing (like diabetes)

Nevertheless, a comprehensive dental-implant consultation with our dentists in Denver, CO, will tell patients if they can safely pursue implant surgery.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation in Denver, CO

All in all, dental implants are a safe, effective, and comfortable way to replace missing teeth. If you’re ready to explore your candidacy, then contact the team at Metropolitan Dental Care today. New and existing patients can reach us online anytime, or they may call us at (303) 534-2626 for booking and information.