We get it–gum graft surgery sounds a little scary. But, if you have advancing periodontal (gum) disease, then gum grafts might be the only way to restore your smile and prevent extensive oral-health issues (like significant tooth loss).


At Metropolitan Dental Care, we can help you treat all stages of gum disease with effective and minimally-invasive periodontal solutions, like scaling, root planing, and gum surgery. If you’re noticing swollen, bloody, or receding gums, then don’t wait–call our dental office in Denver, CO, at (303) 534-2626 or send us a message here.


Failure to address even the initial signs of gum disease can lead to devastating issues down the line. In this post, we tell you how gum graft surgery today can help you avoid unnecessary pain and dysfunction tomorrow.

What is gum graft surgery?

Gum graft surgery is a restorative procedure that rebuilds weakened gum tissue around the gumline. Without gum graft surgery, the tissue surrounding the teeth will continue to peel away, resulting in periodontal pockets that collect harmful bacteria. These bacteria can destroy the teeth and gums, which can lead to tooth loss and jawbone atrophy.

Types of Gum Grafts

There are three, common types of gum grafts: connective-tissue, free gingival, and pedicle grafts. Let’s explore each procedure now.

Connective-tissue Grafts

These grafts use spare tissue from the patient’s hard palate (roof of the mouth) or donor tissue purchased from a licensed and trusted tissue bank to restore receding gums. Our team skillfully places the tissue around receding gums, which allows it to assimilate into its new position in the mouth. 

Free Gingival Grafts

Free gingival grafts are similar to connective-tissue grafts, but they are typically recommended for patients who need to rebuild keratin around exposed tooth roots. Because these grafts are thicker, they do not heal as beautifully as connective-tissue grafts. However, they have a remarkably high success rate of almost 96%.

Pedicle Grafts

In this procedure, our Denver dentists use neighboring gum tissue to rebuild areas of minor recession rather than tissue from the hard palate. Our team makes a small incision in the surrounding tissue, effectively creating a flap. We then position the flap across the area of weakness and stitch it into place. After several weeks, the gum tissue is higher, stronger, and healthier than ever!

Why You Might Need a Gum Graft

Gum graft surgery restores the original health and function of your smile. Subsequently, our team might recommend gum grafts to:

  • Protect exposed tooth roots
  • Prevent root canal infections
  • Treat tooth sensitivity
  • Mitigate tooth loss
  • Treat advanced gum disease
  • Prepare for dental restorations, like dental implants


It isn’t always easy for patients to tell that they need a gum graft. So, we recommend seeing our dentists in Denver at least every six months to check the health of your gum tissue. Regular appointments can help our team be proactive about your dental care.

Schedule Safe and Effective Gum Graft Surgery in Denver, CO

If you need help repairing damaged gum tissue, then contact the friendly team at Metropolitan Dental Care today. We can help you explore all of your gum grafting options, as well as ways to make the procedure more comfortable for you.


New and existing patients can easily schedule appointments online here, or they may call our Denver dental office at (303) 534-2626.