Is fear of dental work keeping you from visiting our Denver dentists? If so, then you may be living with dentophobia (also called ‘fear of the dentist’). Luckily, there are many things you can do to say ‘bye-bye!’ to dental anxiety.


At Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO, our team of compassionate experts can help you get comfortable care that doesn’t take a toll on your mental health. Call (303) 534-2626 or send us a message here to see how we can take the fear out of upcoming dental work.


If you have dental anxiety, then you may be reluctant to ask the questions you really want answers to. In this post, we answer your dentophobia questions to help you get the information you need.

What is dentophobia?

Technically, dentophobia (also called odontophobia) is an extreme, almost paralyzing fear of the dentist. However, the term has rapidly evolved to include generalized dental anxiety, which may include fear of:

  • Pain
  • Dental tools
  • Needles
  • The sterile smells and shrill sounds of a dental office
  • Gagging or vomiting 

Why do I have a fear of the dentist?

For some patients, odontophobia may stem from painful or bad experiences with dental work in the past. For other patients, the true reason may be a mystery. But, whatever the reason, there are plenty of things patients can do to reduce anxiety before, during, and after dental visits.

How common is dentophobia?

Believe it or not, over 35% of adults experience some form of dental anxiety. Experts further estimate that roughly 3% of patients avoid the dentist altogether due to extreme dentophobia.

Does the needle hurt at the dentist’s?

We know that a sharp needle sinking into your gums doesn’t exactly sound fun. But, the team at Metropolitan Dental Care completely numbs injection sites with special numbing agents. These prescription-strength agents dull nerve endings at the injection site, allowing our team to painlessly inject medications (like pain-blocking, local anesthesia)!

How can I get over my fear of the dentist?

There are several things you can do to squash your fear of the dentist, including:

  • Sedation dentistry: Sedative options (like nitrous oxide and conscious oral sedation) are ideal ways to deal with dentophobia or lengthy procedures. Ask our team about sedation options that may work for you.
  • Medications: Certain medications (like alprazolam or diazepam) can help you relax before and during dental work. Ask our team how to get oral sedatives for upcoming dental procedures.
  • Distractions: Don’t give your brain a chance to panic–distract yourself with your favorite music, podcasts, movies, or TV shows. Use noise-canceling headphones to further distract yourself.
  • Meditation: Visualization and breathing exercises can transport your brain to a happier setting. We recommend focusing on relaxing individual muscle groups at a time while taking deep, controlled breaths. 

Can I be put to sleep for dental work?

Yes, dentists can put patients to sleep for lengthy dental procedures. However, our team always explores conscious sedation before exploring unconscious sedation. Nevertheless, it is still an option for patients with extreme dental anxiety.

Ask Us About Sedation Dentistry in Denver, CO

Don’t let dentophobia keep you from getting help–ask our Denver dentists how we can make dental work more comfortable for you. Call Metropolitan Dental Care at (303) 534-2626, or send us a message here for more information and scheduling.