For many people, a fear of the dentist (dentophobia) is all too real. The thought of sitting in a chair with bright lights overhead and whirring drills nearby can be enough to send shivers down their spine. Our Denver dentists often recommend medications to manage this fear. However, we understand that some patients may want to pursue other options outside of medication.

If you’d like to discuss your fear of the dentist with compassionate dental professionals, contact Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO, today. Our team is dedicated to finding solutions that work for you. Call (303) 534-2626 to get tailored, comfortable dental care today!

woman portraying fear of the dentist while sitting in dental chair

Overcoming a fear of the dentist without medication is possible, but it may require some effort. In today’s post, we explore some practical strategies to help you beat your fear of the dentist naturally.

Understand Your Fear

The first step to conquering any fear is to understand it. Take some time to reflect on why you’re afraid of the dentist. Is it the fear of pain, the lack of control, or a past traumatic experience? Identifying the root cause of your fear can help you address it more effectively.

Communicate with Your Dentist

Open and honest communication with your dentist is crucial. Let them know about your fear and anxiety

Once your dentist knows how you are feeling, then they can adjust their approach to make you feel more comfortable. Remember: you and your dentist are a team.

Choose the Right Dentist

Not all dentists are the same, and finding the right one for you can make a world of difference. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and schedule a consultation to gauge their approach and personality.

Bring a Supportive Friend or Family Member

Having a trusted friend or family member accompany you to your dental appointments can provide a sense of comfort and security. They can offer emotional support and help you stay relaxed throughout the visit.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Before your dental appointment, practice relaxation techniques, such as:

  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Targeted and progressive muscle relaxation. 

Use Distraction Techniques

Distractions during dental procedures can be very helpful. Try distracting yourself with music, audiobooks, guided imagery, or your favorite TV shows while in the chair.

Gradual Exposure

If your dentophobia is severe, consider taking small steps to desensitize yourself to the dentist’s environment. Start with a simple consultation and gradually progress to more involved procedures. Each successful visit will boost your confidence.

Reward Yourself

After each dental visit, reward yourself for facing your fear. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a relaxing activity or a fun adventure. Positive reinforcement can make future appointments seem less daunting.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps you reframe negative thoughts and beliefs about the dentist, replacing them with more positive and realistic ones. 

Regular Dental Check-ups

Yearly dental check-ups are essential for preventing and addressing dental problems. The more you visit the dentist, the more familiar and less frightening the experience will become.

Naturally Overcome Dental Anxiety in Denver, CO

Conquering your fear of the dentist without medication is achievable with the right approach and support. That’s why Metropolitan Dental Care is here to help. If you’d like to overcome dentophobia naturally, contact our Denver dentists online or call our team at (303) 534-2626 for more information.