How do you deal with stress? Do you eat unhealthy foods? Sleep? Binge-watch a Netflix show? If you aren’t dealing with your stress in a healthy way, it may lead to another issue: teeth grinding. Also known as bruxism, this condition affects 10% of the population. That’s nearly 33 million people in America alone.
Teeth grinding may be due to an underlying cause such as TMJ, but even then, stress can make the symptoms worse. If you occasionally wake up with a dull headache, stiff jaw, or sensitive teeth, you might be grinding your teeth. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer the necessary treatments for bruxism. Seek help from your Denver dentist today by contacting us at (303) 534-2626.
In-Office Treatments for Stress-Induced Bruxism
Before suggesting any type of treatment, one of our skilled Denver dentists will evaluate your symptoms and use advanced technology to evaluate your mouth, gums, and jawbone. This allows the dentist to determine if your symptoms are due to malocclusion (teeth misalignment), TMJ, or just stress. We can then recommend a treatment plan that best suits your needs.
Solutions we offer for stress-induced teeth grinding include:
- Custom mouth guards: Mouth guards prevent your teeth from meeting and grinding against each other while you sleep. You should make sure that you get a custom mouth guard from our dental office since improperly fitted, store-bought mouth guards won’t be as effective.
- Invisalign: Similar to mouth guards, Invisalign clear braces can protect your teeth from grinding against each other at night. As an added bonus, these aligners will also help to fix crooked teeth.
- Dental crowns: Sometimes, teeth grinding can lead to cracked teeth. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we can address these and other symptoms caused by bruxism.
If our dentists determine that malocclusion or TMJ is the root cause of your bruxism, we can come up with a treatment plan to address these conditions as well.
Cracked teeth, interrupted sleep, facial swelling, and gum recession are just a few symptoms of bruxism. If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these, schedule an appointment with your Denver dentist immediately. If left untreated, these symptoms will worsen over time.
Lifestyle Adjustments
If stress and anxiety are the cause of your teeth grinding, you may benefit from some lifestyle adjustments, such as:
- Eliminating or reducing caffeine: Having more than one caffeinated beverage a day or consuming caffeine late in the day can increase anxious feelings or stress.
- Eating less sugar and carbs: These foods inhibit your ability to have a good night’s rest.
- Exercising regularly: Along with helping you sleep better, exercise also releases endorphins that help you manage more healthy stress levels.
- Getting an appropriate amount of sleep: Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
- Practicing yoga or meditation: Including these into your nightly routine helps eliminate stress. This will allow your body to relax fully during sleep.
- Taking anti-anxiety medicines or supplements: Schedule an appointment with a doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist to discuss your high levels of stress and anxiety. They can create a personalized treatment plan to improve your quality of life.
It’s important to note that, although these lifestyle changes are likely to improve your overall health, they cannot undo damage caused by teeth grinding or clenching.
Visit Your Denver Dentists Today
No one should have to live with the symptoms of bruxism. Let our expert dentists at Metropolitan Dental Care help you sleep better and improve your quality of life. Call our friendly staff today at (303) 534-2525 to schedule an appointment.