woman smiling with broken tooth

If you have recently chipped your tooth, you may have some questions. What can you do to save your smile? How do dentists fix a broken tooth? What are your restorative dentistry options?

Our team at Metropolitan Dental Care, serving Denver and surrounding communities, looks forward to answering all your questions. Our committed team can help you determine the best way to repair your smile. Contact our office right away.

How to Protect Your Smile Before Visiting the Emergency Dentist

If your tooth accidentally breaks or cracks, it can pay to be hypervigilant. Reduce the risk of further damage by scheduling an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible. While waiting for the next available appointment, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends: 

  1. Cleaning the area: Immediately rinse the mouth with warm water.
  2. Addressing swelling: Place a cold compress on the face to control swelling and inflammation.

Five Restorative Dentistry Techniques for Cracked, Broken Teeth

Unfortunately, cracked and broken teeth cannot heal on their own. So, how do dentists fix a broken tooth? Here are five restorative techniques that dentists use that can save your smile.

1. Porcelain Veneers

Are craze lines driving you crazy? Craze lines are vertical, hairline cracks that only affect the outer enamel. They often result from excessive teeth grinding. If you are bothered by craze lines, dentists can adhere porcelain veneers to the front of the teeth to conceal them. 

However, do your craze lines extend beyond the enamel? Have you noticed recent tooth sensitivity? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, seek immediate treatment. If left untreated, extraction may be necessary. 

2. Composite Resin Filling

For slight damage, dentists recommend composite (glass-quartz) resin fillings to repair a chipped tooth. After numbing and preparing the tooth, the dentist applies and bonds the resin to the surface of the teeth. Following, he or she may polish away excess material for a uniform appearance.

3. Dental Crowns

Unlike fillings, dental crowns cover much more area. Dentists place dental crowns (caps) on top of the tooth to protect it from worsening. They can help uphold and preserve the tooth’s structure while absorbing pressure from natural forces.

4. Root Canal Therapy

Occasionally, a crack or chip can extend down into the tooth’s innermost layer (dental pulp). The dental pulp contains the living nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. Usually, dentists recommend root canal therapy to save a badly damaged tooth as an alternative to removal. 

Even though root canals may have a poor reputation, the procedure is pretty simple. During a root canal, the dentist:

  1. Removes inflamed or infected pulp.
  2. Sanitizes the inside of the tooth.
  3. Fills and seals the tooth.
  4. Strengthens the tooth with a filling or crown.

5. Dental Implants

Sometimes, a root canal cannot save a tooth. Dentists are more likely to recommend a tooth extraction if dental cracks are too extensive. After dental extraction, your dentist may recommend a dental implant-supported restoration. Dental implants are considered one of the best tooth replacement options because they look, function, and feel similar to natural teeth.

Whereas, other dental prosthetics may look realistic but do not mimic the natural tooth root. Eventually, the jaw will deteriorate if the tooth root (or implant) is absent.

How do our Denver dentists fix a broken tooth? 

At Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO, our dedicated dental team can clearly explain your options and help you decide which method is best for fixing your broken tooth. Reserve an emergency dental appointment right away. Call 303-534-2626 or conveniently schedule an appointment online.