woman holding her face because it is sore and needs to visit TMJ dentist in denver

Open your mouth. Then, gently move it from side to side. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on both sides of the face, just below the ears. This complex hinged joint connects the lower jawbone to the skull. The TMJ is responsible for jaw movements that help people eat, speak, and smile.

Unfortunately, an overworked or misplaced TMJ can result in significant health issues. This condition is widely known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Because every case is unique, our Metro Dental Care team can:

  1. Identify the root source of your TMD.
  2. Find practical methods to give patients relief.

Speak with one of our TMJ Dentists in Denver if you are experiencing some of the unexpected consequences of untreated TMJ disorder.

1. Fatigued Facial Muscles

Do the muscles in your face feel tired or sore? When your TMJ is imbalanced, the muscles in your face typically have to work harder to compensate. Additionally, your facial muscles may be overactive from grinding or clenching your teeth. This can result in soreness or tiredness. 

2. Facial Swelling

Although your face could swell for various reasons, swelling on one side of the face could be due to inflammation and damage in the joint capsule. TMD-related facial swelling could range from mild to severe. For some, it may appear after working the jaw, while for others, the swelling may continue even at rest.

3. Discomfort Elsewhere

Again, it makes sense that patients who suffer from TMD can feel pain in their jaw. However, pain that radiates through the neck, shoulders, or upper back can sometimes be accredited to misalignment in the TMJ. 

Myofascial pain is pain associated with irritation or inflammation of muscle or the fascia surrounding the muscles. One of the most common disorders of the temporomandibular joints, with some researchers estimating over 50% of TMD reflects myofascial pain.

Additionally, TMD can lead to headaches, earaches, and tooth pain. Researchers have found higher rates of headaches in patients with TMD symptoms.

4. Tinnitus

Do you hear ringing in your ears even though you did not attend a loud party last night? You may be shocked to discover that tinnitus can be a symptom of TMJ disorder. Because TMD causes jaw muscles to spasm, the tightening and swelling effect may eventually transmit to the nearby muscles (including the inner ear). As a result, you may hear a ringing sound in your ears.

5. Dizziness

As previously mentioned, TMJ disorder can negatively impact your inner ear. The inner ear possesses the sensors responsible for telling your brain about your body’s movement and position in space. Thus, inner ear inflammation can disturb the neurological signals accountable for your sense of balance. Consequently, you may suffer from a loss of balance, which can showcase itself as dizziness or vertigo.

Do you believe that you may have TMD? Meet with a Denver TMJ Dentist

TMJ disorder signs can range from mild to unbearable. Besides, the symptoms can happen sporadically or occur gradually onset. Therefore, it’s challenging to self-diagnose TMD because it’s not a one-size-fits-all health condition. 

Instead, it’s wise to bring up possible TMJ disorder at your next dental check-up if you suffer from any symptoms mentioned above. Contact a TMJ dentist in Denver to receive a tempormandibular joint evaluation and hear about your potential treatment options. Call 303-534-2626 or message us online right away.