Dental misalignment is very common. That is why braces are so ubiquitous during the teenage years. And with the advent of clear aligners, orthodontists are treating more and more adults, as well. But there are many reasons that patients may need orthodontics. For some patients, misalignment is congenital, while others suffer misalignment later in life, as a result of disease or injury. 

At Metropolitan Dental Care, our experienced orthodontists are ready to provide the outstanding care you deserve. Dr. Anil Idiculla, Dr. Isaac Chung, Dr. Roy Kaluzshner, and Dr. Maureen Roach provide a variety of orthodontic services to patients in Denver and the surrounding areas. Plus, they are on staff with general dentists and an oral reconstruction specialist. Taking a team approach, they can provide more comprehensive services to address both crooked teeth and their underlying causes.

To learn the reason for your tooth misalignment and find out the best treatment option, contact our office today.


Unfortunately, many cases of dental misalignment simply cannot be prevented. Your genes have a huge role to play, especially when it comes to overall bite misalignment, like overbites and underbites. Often these conditions are the result of jaw alignment, which can be passed down from parent to child. 

Other genetic problems can include extra teeth, unusually large teeth, and a cleft palate

Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontitis, affects almost half of all adults over the age of 30. And while the condition is notorious for causing pain and inflammation in the soft tissues, you may be surprised to learn that it can also cause tooth misalignment. This is because unchecked oral bacteria will create pockets in the soft tissues around the dental roots. This can cause teeth to loosen and shift in the mouth. 


Research shows that pacifiers can significantly reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Not to mention, they can be a lifesaver when you have a baby who is crying inconsolably. But they can also cause bite issues when not used properly.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends stopping pacifier use at 18 months to avoid dental alignment issues. Stopping at 12 months is even better since this may reduce the rate of ear infection in toddlers.

Tongue Thrust

Tongue thrust occurs when the tongue protrudes forward when swallowing. It is normal in babies, but it should fade by the time they are 4 to 6 months old. If it doesn’t, the continual pressure on incoming teeth could cause an open bite, when there is a gap between the top and bottom teeth. Orthodontists can sometimes treat tongue thrust. Other times, physical or speech therapy is required.

Tooth Loss

Similar to what happens in gum disease, tooth loss can also cause misalignment. When teeth are missing, the other teeth can start to shift over and fill in the space. If tooth loss is the reason for your crooked teeth, you may require restorative dentistry, as well as orthodontia. 

No Matter the Cause, Experienced Orthodontists Can Help!

Whether you are a teen or an adult and whatever the reason for your dental misalignment, our orthodontists offer effective and customized care

To schedule your consultation with one of our orthodontists, make an appointment online or give us a call at 303-534-2626.