If you’ve been told you need a tooth extraction, seeking a second opinion from a reputable Denver dentist is wise. Your damaged tooth may be eligible for restoration, root canal therapy, or another treatment that could extend its life for years–perhaps for the rest of your life.

Dentistry Is a Health Science

woman looking at tooth in mirrorIn school, we learned that science is a logical, often mathematical process based on facts. While medicine is certainly a scientific field, even the greatest scientific minds are still learning about managing and restoring health to the human body. Science doesn’t offer black-or-white answers for medicine or dentistry.

From the womb, each human being has a unique makeup of traits, many of which are altered as external and internal factors force changes over time. Therefore, not all dentists have the same philosophy. Professional opinions differ regarding treatments, diagnoses, or which materials and technologies best serve their patients. Some dentists tend toward a more aggressive “fix it now” philosophy and commonly recommend tooth extraction. Others take a conservative, “natural is best” mindset.

Conservative Dentistry Advocates Retaining Healthy Tissue, Without Compromising Health

When a decayed tooth sustains significant damage that a filling cannot repair, or if a tooth with a large filling continues to decay, a crown or extraction may be advised. Teeth with chips that extend into dentin or cracks (fractures) also require a crown for reliable restoration. There’s a fine line where dentists overlap in their professional opinions of whether damage such as this requires extraction or crowning.

For instance, Dr. So-and-so may recommend tooth extraction for a molar previously treated with a medium-sized filling. In contrast, Dr. Kaluzschner (Metro Dental Care’s Denver dentist) might suggest restoring the same tooth with a dental crown. Neither dentist would be wrong in the treatment suggestion. Dr. So-and-so prefers a more aggressive style.

However, Dr. Kaluzschner’s conservative approach could allow to you retain most of the remaining tissue in your natural tooth. A crown made from quality materials, properly fitted to your tooth and with your occlusion, may extend the afflicted tooth’s life by years. The restoration could last a decade or more if you maintain excellent oral health. (Note that you may need a root canal before a crown if your tooth suffers from extensive damage.)

Schedule Your Second Opinion for Tooth Extraction

Do you live in or near Denver? Call the dental office of Metro Dental Care to schedule a second opinion appointment with Dr. Klauzschner, Dr. White, or Dr. Roach. They’ll take time to have a one-on-one discussion with you to determine the best treatment for your damaged tooth because every person is unique!