An image of tooth-colored, tooth-shaped dental crowns in Denver, CODental crowns are long-lasting restorative prosthetics that repair damaged teeth or complete dental bridges and implants. Subsequently, they are an ideal solution to complete and strengthen your smile for years to come. 

If you’re looking for top-tier restorative dentistry in Denver, CO, then look no further than Metropolitan Dental Care. Our team of experts has years of training and experience that allow them to seamlessly repair patients’ smiles. Ready to see what sets us apart from our peers? Schedule your appointment online here or call our team directly at (303) 534-2626.

In this post, we discuss the different types of dental crowns, their costs, and their lifespans. This information can help you make the best decision for your oral health, aesthetic goals, and budget.

What is the difference between a cap and a crown?

There is no difference between a cap and a crown. Dental professionals often use dental cap, dental crown, tooth cap, and tooth crown interchangeably.

What are the types of crowns?

There are many types of crowns, including:

  • Metal
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal
  • All-resin
  • All-ceramic/all-porcelain
  • Pressed ceramic
  • Zirconia 


Choosing the right crown for you depends on:

  • The location of the treated tooth
  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Your budget

How long do dental crowns last?

On average, dental caps last between five and fifteen years. However, some types of caps last longer than others. For example:

  • Metal: Three to fifteen years
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal: Five to fifteen years
  • All-resin: Five to fifteen years
  • All-ceramic/all-porcelain: Ten to fifteen years
  • Pressed ceramic: Ten to fifteen years
  • Zirconia: Ten to fifteen years

Which dental crown lasts the longest?

Many dental professionals consider zirconia caps the gold standard of dental crowns. However, many dentists recommend all-porcelain crowns over zirconia. This is because porcelain caps have a lifespan similar to zirconia caps without the accompanying price tag.

How much will a tooth crown cost? 

Costs of a dental cap are variable depending on the extent of treatment and the materials used. Average costs for tooth crowns without insurance are as follows:

  • Metal: Between $900 and $2,500 per tooth
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal: Between $800 and $2,400 per tooth
  • All-resin: Roughly $300 per tooth
  • All-ceramic/all-porcelain: Roughly $1,300 per tooth
  • Pressed ceramic: Between $1,000 and $2,500 per tooth
  • Zirconia: Between $1,000 and $2,500 per tooth

Are there any complications, risks, or disadvantages?

There are very few risks, complications, or disadvantages associated with dental-crown treatment. Nevertheless, some possible issues following treatment may include:

  • Discomfort or sensitivity shortly after crown placement
  • Crown damage
  • A loose or wiggly cap that may fall off
  • Allergic reactions to the materials used, especially metal
  • Noticeable darkness around the gum line of the treated tooth

Are dental crowns a good idea?

Yes, tooth caps are a good idea for most patients. These tooth-shaped prosthetics:

  • Protect weak teeth from further damage
  • Stop the spread of cavities
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Restore patients’ oral function, aesthetic, and health

Schedule a Restorative Dentistry Appointment in Denver, CO

Damaged, diseased, and missing teeth can affect much more than the appearance of your smile. Reclaim your smile, health, and confidence with restorative dentistry solutions at Metropolitan Dental Care. 

New and existing patients can easily book appointments online here, or they may call our Denver dental office at (303) 534-2626.