The shade, size, and shape of our teeth and gums can make a tremendous impact on the appearance of our grins. So, if you have an uneven smile, then you may be wondering which cosmetic dentistry treatments can help.


At Metropolitan Dental Care, we make cosmetic dental treatments easy and accessible with top-of-the-line technology, gentle techniques, and long-lasting materials. If you’re ready to explore your options to improve an uneven smile, then don’t wait. Contact our friendly team here or call (303) 534-2626 to book your appointment now.


In this post, our team of talented dentists in Denver, CO, are here to discuss cosmetics dental treatments to improve an uneven smile. Understanding your options can help you choose the right treatments for your smile, lifestyle, and budget.

Teeth Whitening

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to improve a mottled smile is with professional teeth whitening treatments. These treatments use prescription-strength bleaching agents to lift even the most stubborn stains from the teeth.


And, with up to 43% of the active whitening agent, professional whitening treatments illuminate teeth faster, longer, and more safely compared to store-bought whitening products. 


Orthodontia allows patients to fix uneven smiles by shifting teeth into proper alignment. Clear, smile-correcting treatments (like Invisalign®) are unique because they give patients the opportunity to realign their smiles discreetly. 


Indeed, the clear, removable trays give patients more freedom to:

  • Smile and talk with unbridled confidence
  • Eat the foods they like without restriction
  • Conduct better oral hygiene
  • Create a healthy and uniform smile

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers use smile-friendly materials to cover minor imperfections, such as:

  • Stubborn external stains
  • Internal stains
  • Chips
  • Fracture lines
  • Diastemas (large gaps)
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Misshapen or uneven teeth


At Metropolitan Dental Care, our team uses high-grade dental ceramic to create veneers that are entirely unique to each patient. This means that patients can upgrade their smiles to their exact specifications, including the size, shape, and color of their teeth.

Cosmetic Gum Contouring

In some cases, patients have beautifully uniform teeth, but excessive or uneven gum tissue creates the illusion of an uneven smile. Luckily, these patients can pursue gentle gum contouring to fix a gummy smile.


With precision technology and contemporary techniques, our Denver dentists can trim small amounts of gum tissue to transform the appearance, comfort, and function of uneven smiles.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses a biocompatible, long-lasting material (known as composite resin) to change the shape, color, and size of teeth. In fact, dental bonding can address many of the same issues that porcelain veneers can address. However, dental bonding is a more cost-effective alternative to veneers.


According to the American Dental Association, the average cost of veneers is approximately $1,700 per tooth. Whereas, the average cost of dental bonding is roughly $450 per tooth. But, of course, the trade off is longevity–veneers often last twice as long as dental bonding.

Ask Us How We Can Help You Fix an Uneven Smile

If you’re ready to talk to a trusted team of cosmetic dentists in Denver, CO, then contact Metropolitan Dental Care today. We can help you explore all of your cosmetic options to fix an uneven, damaged, or dull smile.


Reach our team online or call our dental office in Denver at (303) 534-2626 to book an appointment.