Cosmetic Dentistry

Denver Cosmetic Dentist Explains Why More and More People are Improving Their Smiles


After thinking it over carefully, you may be wondering if cosmetic dentistry is a suitable solution. Book a consultation to see if you are a candidate. Our Denver cosmetic dentists will consider the condition of your teeth and gums to see if you qualify. At Metropolitan Dental Care, our experienced team offers a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including: Teeth whitening Gum contouring Orthodontic treatment Cosmetic bonding Porcelain veneers Dental restorations and implants (such as dental crowns and bridges) Currently, Fortune™ Business Insights estimates that the cosmetic dentistry market is worth billions of dollars and expected to grow. Why are [...]

Denver Cosmetic Dentist Explains Why More and More People are Improving Their Smiles2022-02-14T09:36:15-07:00

5 Reasons to Choose Professional Teeth Whitening


A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and add to your overall appeal. That’s why approximately 37 million Americans choose to brighten their smiles with teeth whitening agents.  Over-the-counter whiteners claim that people can effectively whiten their teeth in the comfort and convenience of their own homes. But are store-bought teeth brighteners as effective as professional teeth whitening? The simple answer is: no. Here, we’ll show you why not all teeth-whitening products are created equally. Additionally, we’ll give you five reasons why professional teeth brightening is well worth it.    The Problem With Over-The-Counter Whitening Products Whether you’re using whitening toothpaste or [...]

5 Reasons to Choose Professional Teeth Whitening2022-02-03T16:41:37-07:00

Can a cosmetic dentist fix my smile?


In short, yes, a cosmetic dentist can fix your smile! The longer version of the answer is a little more complex. Every patient’s journey to their ideal smile is different because we are all unique. Before you even begin your cosmetic dentistry journey, you may require restorative care, such as a dental crown, filling, or dental bridge. Gum disease treatment is also necessary for some patients. Once you have reached optimal oral health, the cosmetic procedures can begin. While you may have an idea of what treatments you need, a cosmetic dentist can explain all of your options in detail and [...]

Can a cosmetic dentist fix my smile?2022-02-03T16:44:14-07:00

What makes someone a candidate for porcelain veneers?


Porcelain veneers have long been a solution to an imperfect smile. In fact, in the late 1920s, actors and actresses wore veneers while acting and to red carpet events. Veneers were only temporary at that time, but today, they are permanent. Now, many celebrities and “regular” people like you and me choose porcelain veneers as a quick solution to dental imperfections like chips, cracks, gaps, and crooked teeth. Patients often choose veneers over orthodontic and other cosmetic dental solutions because the process is quick and simple. Before placing veneers, patients must pass a candidacy test. Can you? Here are five things [...]

What makes someone a candidate for porcelain veneers?2022-02-03T16:52:30-07:00

Professional or Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening: Which option is best?


Have you ever heard the saying “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing”? It’s true for a lot of things, especially when it comes to our teeth! dental staining is often linked to drinking too much coffee, tea, and red wine. As much as we love these things, its best to limit them to maintain a bright smile! Of course, these aren’t the only factors—other causes of dental staining include tobacco use, dark-colored foods, poor oral hygiene, and aging. Luckily, there are several methods of teeth whitening that restore teeth to their natural brightness. Whitening toothpastes, gels, [...]

Professional or Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening: Which option is best?2022-02-03T16:54:00-07:00
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