Preventive Dentistry

Bruxism Treatment: What It Is and Why You Might Need It


We’ve all heard that prevention is the best medicine, which is why preventive dentistry is your best defense against oral issues. But, some oral issues aren’t as apparent as others, such as tooth clenching or grinding (also called bruxism). Fortunately, a skilled dentist can diagnose the condition and make recommendations for bruxism treatment. Located in Denver, CO, Metropolitan Dental Care is your premier location for all of your dental needs, including tooth grinding. If you’re ready to explore bruxism treatment, then schedule your consultation at (303) 534-2626 or request it online here.  If you want more information about bruxism treatment, then [...]

Bruxism Treatment: What It Is and Why You Might Need It2022-08-01T08:59:46-06:00

Tooth Decay (Cavities): An Untold Horror Story


To a lesser or greater extent, tooth decay is a circumstance that most of us experience at some point in our lifetime. Tooth decay occurs when cavity-causing pathogens and food particles accumulate in the mouth, forming plaque. Eventually, the acids in plaque eat away at the enamel and form tiny holes, known as cavities. Our Metropolitan Dental Care Team can help you effectively prevent, detect, and treat tooth decay. Discover how Denver’s Top Dentists can protect your smile. Some people are predisposed to cavities, while others develop tooth decay from poor oral hygiene habits. Regardless of how your dental decay starts, [...]

Tooth Decay (Cavities): An Untold Horror Story2022-06-08T10:20:36-06:00

What to Expect Before, During, and After Teeth Cleaning


Keeping your mouth clean through daily brushing and flossing is necessary to maintain a healthy smile and overall good health. Still, it’s crucial to undergo professional teeth cleaning at your local dentist’s office to keep plaque, periodontal disease, and tooth decay at bay. Generally, people should schedule this straightforward, preventive procedure at least twice a year. The Metropolitan Dental Care team of Denver put together this guide to explain what happens at every stage of routine teeth cleaning appointments so that you can understand and obtain a higher level of cleanliness that is impossible to achieve at home. Before Teeth Cleaning: [...]

What to Expect Before, During, and After Teeth Cleaning2022-05-12T17:07:01-06:00

6 Signs That It’s Time for a Dental Checkup and Cleaning


The American Dental Association recommends dental appointments every six months. However, it is estimated that nearly 100 million Americans don’t make it to a dentist every year. This leaves people vulnerable to oral health issues that could have easily been prevented with a dental checkup and cleaning.  At Metropolitan Dental Care, we understand that our fast-paced world makes it difficult to find time to see a dentist. But, it’s still important to be proactive about your oral health. So, if you haven’t been to a dentist in a while, then here are six signs that it’s time for a dental checkup [...]

6 Signs That It’s Time for a Dental Checkup and Cleaning2022-02-03T16:41:27-07:00

5 Ways Dental Cleanings Improve Oral and Overall Health


People can accomplish good oral hygiene by doing these five things: Brush twice a day Floss daily Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash Eat properly Visit the dentist regularly Many people do at least three of these things but often neglect regular dental cleanings. While your teeth may look and feel healthy, without visiting the dentist at least twice a year, it’s impossible to know for sure. Dentists have the tools, resources, and knowledge to detect oral health problems below the surface. Need a little more convincing? Here are five ways regular dental cleanings can improve your oral and overall health. 1. [...]

5 Ways Dental Cleanings Improve Oral and Overall Health2022-02-04T09:53:34-07:00
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