Preventive Dentistry

6 Signs That It’s Time for a Dental Checkup and Cleaning


The American Dental Association recommends dental appointments every six months. However, it is estimated that nearly 100 million Americans don’t make it to a dentist every year. This leaves people vulnerable to oral health issues that could have easily been prevented with a dental checkup and cleaning.  At Metropolitan Dental Care, we understand that our fast-paced world makes it difficult to find time to see a dentist. But, it’s still important to be proactive about your oral health. So, if you haven’t been to a dentist in a while, then here are six signs that it’s time for a dental checkup [...]

6 Signs That It’s Time for a Dental Checkup and Cleaning2022-02-03T16:41:27-07:00

5 Ways Dental Cleanings Improve Oral and Overall Health


People can accomplish good oral hygiene by doing these five things: Brush twice a day Floss daily Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash Eat properly Visit the dentist regularly Many people do at least three of these things but often neglect regular dental cleanings. While your teeth may look and feel healthy, without visiting the dentist at least twice a year, it’s impossible to know for sure. Dentists have the tools, resources, and knowledge to detect oral health problems below the surface. Need a little more convincing? Here are five ways regular dental cleanings can improve your oral and overall health. 1. [...]

5 Ways Dental Cleanings Improve Oral and Overall Health2022-02-04T09:53:34-07:00

Lifestyle Adjustments and Treatments for Teeth Grinding


Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is often characterized by jaw stiffness or soreness, dental sensitivity, and tension headaches. Sound familiar? Because teeth grinding occurs mostly at night, most people don’t realize they suffer from it. Visit an experienced dentist today if you are experiencing any of those symptoms. Other side effects of teeth grinding include: Facial muscle fatigue Interrupted sleep Facial swelling Loose teeth Tooth pain Damaged fillings Gum tenderness Gum recession Popping or clicking of the jaw Neck stiffness When you visit a dentist, he or she will ask about your symptoms and conduct a thorough exam of your teeth, gums, [...]

Lifestyle Adjustments and Treatments for Teeth Grinding2022-02-15T10:09:17-07:00

What Happens at a Dental Cleaning?


According to the American Dental Association, you should schedule a visit to the dentist every six months. Many people dread these visits because of dental fear and anxiety, but others miss their regular dental cleanings simply because they don’t understand how this process benefits their oral health. If you miss a dental cleaning with your Denver dentist, then plaque and tartar will build up, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Over time, your dental health will continue to decline, and you’ll develop worse dental problems that take more extensive procedures to correct. We want to help you avoid that! Schedule [...]

What Happens at a Dental Cleaning?2022-02-15T10:25:57-07:00

How to Treat Stress-Induced Teeth Grinding


How do you deal with stress? Do you eat unhealthy foods? Sleep? Binge-watch a Netflix show? If you aren’t dealing with your stress in a healthy way, it may lead to another issue: teeth grinding. Also known as bruxism, this condition affects 10% of the population. That’s nearly 33 million people in America alone. Teeth grinding may be due to an underlying cause such as TMJ, but even then, stress can make the symptoms worse. If you occasionally wake up with a dull headache, stiff jaw, or sensitive teeth, you might be grinding your teeth. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer the [...]

How to Treat Stress-Induced Teeth Grinding2022-02-15T10:26:44-07:00
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