Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, reflecting your happiness and confidence. However, accidents happen, and broken or chipped teeth can be a disheartening occurrence. The good news is that restorative and cosmetic dentistry are an ideal way to approach broken teeth repair.

If you’d like to restore your smile’s confidence, then contact the team at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO. Our team of skilled dentists can help you choose long-lasting solutions that work to enhance your smile. Call (303) 534-2626 to get swift and effective care today!

Understanding Chipped and Broken Teeth: Causes and Impact

Many things can damage our teeth, like participating in contact sports or chomping down on something hard. But even minor chips or fractures can have a noticeable impact on our appearance and oral health. Indeed, chipped or broken teeth can lead to extreme pain, infections, and oral dysfunction.

Exploring Broken Teeth Repair for Broken or Chipped Teeth

There are plenty of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic options for broken teeth repair, including:

1. Cosmetic Solutions for Minor Chips

For minor chips or small imperfections, cosmetic dentistry offers long-lasting and effective solutions. Treatments like dental bonding can help restore the shape of damaged teeth while also strengthening their structure.  

Dental veneers are another option to protect chipped teeth. These tooth-shaped covers adhere to the anterior surface of teeth to hide irregularities and protect against further damage.

2. Restorative Procedures for Extensive Damage

For more significant chips, fractures, or broken teeth, restorative procedures may be recommended to ensure both functionality and aesthetics. Dental crowns are a common solution, where a custom-made cap is placed over the damaged tooth, providing protection and restoring its appearance. 

In cases where the tooth’s pulp is exposed or damaged, a root canal procedure might be necessary before placing a crown. A root canal involves removing the damaged pulp, disinfecting the inner chamber, and sealing it to prevent infection.

3. Replacing Missing Teeth: Implants and Bridges

In situations where a tooth is extensively damaged beyond repair, extraction may be necessary. After extraction, it’s important to consider tooth replacement options to prevent the shifting of surrounding teeth and to maintain your oral health.

Dental implants offer a sturdy and permanent way to replace teeth after extraction. Alternatively, a dental bridge can help close the gap and restore full speaking and chewing ability. 

4. Prevention and Care

While accidents cannot always be avoided, taking precautions can minimize the risk of broken or chipped teeth. Using mouthguards during sports activities, avoiding chewing on hard objects, and maintaining regular dental check-ups are essential steps in preventive care.

Chipped and Broken Teeth Repair in Denver, CO

Leaving dental damage untreated can be dangerous. Indeed, a broken or chipped tooth can lead to infections, which may account for the roughly two million dental-related emergency room visits reported in 2018.

Avoid a trip to the emergency room – get the proactive care your smile needs with the team at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO. You can request appointments online here, or you can dial (303) 534-2626 to book your appointment now.