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Dentist in Denver Explains How Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health 


If you have been told that you have gum disease, it may not seem like that big of a deal. But gum disease, or periodontitis, is not a condition to take lightly. Left untreated, it can have a huge range of health risks, affecting everything from your smile to your heart. In severe cases, it could even shorten your life. Fortunately, good periodontal care from a dentist in Denver can help to control gum disease and eliminate the adverse health risks.  At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer a full range of periodontal treatments. From basic dental cleanings to advanced periodontal surgery, [...]

Dentist in Denver Explains How Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health 2024-03-12T20:27:57-06:00

Dentist in Denver Explains How Gum Disease Affects Smiles


A smile is a simple gesture that conveys warmth, joy, and confidence. However, what happens when gum disease enters the picture? Beyond the obvious effects on oral health, gum disease can cast a shadow over your once radiant smile, impacting both your appearance and overall well-being. Luckily, periodontal services with a dentist in Denver, CO, can help. Is gum disease taking a toll on your grin? Don’t let the condition rob you of your health and happiness. Get the care you need with the team at Metropolitan Dental Care. Schedule periodontal services with a dentist in Denver, CO, by dialing (303) [...]

Dentist in Denver Explains How Gum Disease Affects Smiles2024-01-06T14:19:41-07:00

8 Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease


When it comes to healthy smiles, we often focus on cavities and the importance of regular dental check-ups. However, there's a silent and often underestimated threat lurking in our mouths – periodontal disease (also called gum disease). Luckily, periodontal services exist to prevent issues and keep our smiles working properly. Want to learn more about periodontal treatments and gum health? Contact Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO, at (303) 534-2626 now!  According to the World Health Organization, periodontal disease affects roughly one billion people worldwide. Although the condition is quite common, it can lead to serious complications if left untreated. That’s [...]

8 Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease2023-09-29T20:36:58-06:00

Improve Your Appearance and Health with Gum Grafts


While most people don’t often think about their gums, the important oral structures are essential to good oral health. Human gum tissue keeps teeth securely anchored to the jaw, so we can effectively bite and chew foods. When gums begin to recede from teeth, gum grafts restore health. So why do gums recede? Harsh teeth brushing, tobacco use, teeth grinding, and genetics can prompt gum recession. The main culprit, however, is gum disease, also called periodontal disease. In its early stage, gum disease is called gingivitis; late-stage gum disease is known as acute periodontitis. Gum disease afflicts about half of the [...]

Improve Your Appearance and Health with Gum Grafts2023-06-23T11:18:56-06:00

Three Types of Gum Surgery and Why You Might Need Them


Your gums play an important role in your oral health, your appearance, and even your overall physical wellbeing. This is why dentists put such an emphasis on preventing and treating conditions like gum disease. Periodontal care includes many conservative treatments, like deep cleanings. But if you suffer from advanced periodontitis, gum surgery could save your smile and long-term health.  At Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO, we offer several types of gum surgery. Most of our periodontal treatment focuses on improving oral health. But we also offer cosmetic treatment to give patients a bigger and more youthful smile. Our dentists use [...]

Three Types of Gum Surgery and Why You Might Need Them2023-04-03T16:06:25-06:00
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