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Recognizing the Symptoms of Gum Disease


If you’ve spent any time at all in the dental office, you know that gum disease can wreak havoc on your oral health. In fact, it is the leading cause of tooth loss. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer a wide range of treatments in periodontal care, including deep cleanings, gum surgery, and more. But treating gum disease early can help prevent more serious problems from developing in the future. If you suspect you have gum disease in Denver, consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Mike Norouzinia, our on-staff periodontist. He can recommend a customized treatment plan to help you achieve [...]

Recognizing the Symptoms of Gum Disease2018-09-13T14:30:18-06:00

3 Common Gum Disease Treatments


Your teeth and gums work together to create a beautifully balanced and healthy smile. When one is unhealthy, it can negatively affect the other. It is estimated that 90 percent of Americans over the age of 30 have at least one cavity. That means nine out of every 10 people you come in contact with most likely have a cavity, making it a common health concern. While it may be the norm to discuss cavities among friends and co-workers, one oral health concern that is just as serious but less talked about is gum disease. This chronic gum infection affects roughly [...]

3 Common Gum Disease Treatments2017-11-02T17:22:31-06:00
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