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How can I fix my crooked teeth?


If you have crooked teeth, you may wonder “why?” If teeth are made to align correctly, why are so many people’s smiles misaligned and crooked? One theory says it's because of our modern diet. As early humans, we ate tougher, harder foods, and didn’t cut things up before chewing. Therefore, our jaws were much stronger and grew bigger during childhood. Today, our soft diet creates smaller jaws that are less likely to be able to adequately fit all our teeth in alignment. Crooked teeth are quite normal. But for our Denver patients who are looking to straighten their smile, we have [...]

How can I fix my crooked teeth?2019-04-07T11:16:48-06:00

The History of Modern Porcelain Veneers


For a beautiful, symmetrical smile, porcelain veneers are considered one of the most dramatic cosmetic dental treatments you can receive. You may have heard about porcelain veneers, or may even be considering treatment, but do you know how these ceramic coverings first came to be? We’re taking a look back at the history of our modern porcelain veneers to understand how and why they’ve become such a popular treatment method today. If you’re interested in porcelain veneers, reach out to our Denver, CO practice! Our team at Metropolitan Dental Care has experience with numerous cosmetic procedures, and can offer porcelain veneers [...]

The History of Modern Porcelain Veneers2019-04-24T10:03:37-06:00

Porcelain Veneers vs Dental Bonding


Cosmetic flaws, such as chipping, discoloration, and misalignment, can detract from the overall beauty of your smile. Patients who desire to mask these imperfections are often faced with two treatment options: dental bonding or porcelain veneers. Today, our team at Metropolitan Dental Care explores these two procedures so patients can be well-informed about their options. If you are considering dental bonding or porcelain veneers in Denver, read on to learn more. About Dental Bonding Dental bonding involves applying tooth-colored composite resin to the affected teeth. To perform this treatment, your dentist will choose a shade of composite that most closely matches [...]

Porcelain Veneers vs Dental Bonding2019-04-24T09:07:43-06:00

You Should Ask Santa for a Brand-New Smile!


The holiday season is upon us. The temperature is dropping, the snow is falling, and the lights are twinkling … it just feels magical. As you glance at your list of gifts to buy, you start to wonder what you want to ask Santa for this year. It almost feels silly to think that way – but you need an answer for inquisitive loved ones who’ll want to know, so you can avoid a repeat of the “Ugly Sweater Debacle of 2006.” How about something different this year? An investment in your smile? It’s something you’ve wanted for a long time, [...]

You Should Ask Santa for a Brand-New Smile!2017-12-02T20:31:05-07:00

How to Treat a Chipped Tooth


Tooth enamel is one of the strongest materials in the body intended to protect the underlying layers of your teeth. It can also help you break down foods so you can digest more effectively. Although durable, it is not invincible and can be damaged just as your bones can break from an accident or serious injury. When a mouth injury occurs, it can result in a chipped tooth. In more severe cases, the tooth can completely break in multiple pieces. A chipped tooth can even occur as a result of using your teeth to open packages, biting your nails, or chewing [...]

How to Treat a Chipped Tooth2017-11-10T09:39:29-07:00
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