women smiling with porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are an ever-popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. They are wafer-thin, custom-made shells made of tooth-colored ceramic.

Are you considering investing in veneers? If so, continue reading and schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO. Our talented team can shepherd you every step of the way.

Generally, porcelain veneers are regarded as a safe, reliable treatment with minimal risks. Yet, knowing everything you can before committing to porcelain veneers is crucial. Here are the pros and cons of veneers:

Advantages of Veneers

Porcelain veneers can help you achieve the dream “Hollywood” smile. Before deciding if porcelain veneers are the best next step for your teeth, consider the following advantages:

Veneers can improve discoloration.

Contrary to popular belief, yellow teeth aren’t necessarily unhealthy. Typically, teeth become more yellow with age. 

Still, some people are unsatisfied or embarrassed with the shade of their teeth. If your teeth aren’t responding to whitening treatment, then consider veneers. Veneers serve as a method that can hide unwanted, stubborn dental stains. As a bonus, porcelain is stain-resistant. So, this is a lasting way to achieve a brighter, whiter smile.

Porcelain veneers can hide minor misalignment issues.

Even if you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment in the past, it’s possible for your teeth to shift. Veneers can hide slightly gapped or crooked teeth. 

They can protect damaged teeth.

Although porcelain veneers are often viewed as a cosmetic treatment, they can also protect your teeth. After undergoing treatment for decayed or damaged teeth, you might still be unsatisfied with how your smile looks. Your dentist can place veneers on top of your teeth to shield them while improving aesthetics.

Porcelain veneers are long-lasting.

Typically, veneers last longer than other cosmetic dentistry treatments (like cosmetic bonding). Many studies have investigated the longevity of veneers. In one retrospective clinical study, the survival rate for veneers was 94.4% after 5 years and 93.5% after 10 years. A ceramic fracture is the most common reason for porcelain veneer failure.

Downsides of Veneers

Veneers are becoming more popular. It seems like almost everyone wants to achieve a big, bright smile. Nevertheless, investing in veneers is a big decision, and they aren’t for everyone.

Porcelain veneers are a permanent solution.

Once your cosmetic dentist places porcelain veneers, you’ll have them forever. While some patients view this as a positive thing, it’s something that must be known. During preparation, a thin sliver of enamel is removed so the veneer can easily adhere to the tooth. Enamel doesn’t grow back on its own. Therefore, you cannot simply remove the dental veneer and return to your natural smile.

Eventually, you might need to redo them.

Sometimes, veneers wear down or fracture. When this happens, your dentist must redo them. Before committing to veneers, you should expect to deal with upkeep indefinitely. Still, being gentle with your teeth, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and going to regular dental appointments can extend your porcelain veneers’ life.

Porcelain Veneers: Are they suitable for me?

Every smile is different, so the best way to find out if veneers will improve the way your smile looks is to schedule a consultation at Metropolitan Dental Care. Our Denver team is eager to help, so call (303) 534-2626 or message us online.