best denver dentist

What You Should Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers


Porcelain veneers are an ever-popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. They are wafer-thin, custom-made shells made of tooth-colored ceramic. Are you considering investing in veneers? If so, continue reading and schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver, CO. Our talented team can shepherd you every step of the way. Generally, porcelain veneers are regarded as a safe, reliable treatment with minimal risks. Yet, knowing everything you can before committing to porcelain veneers is crucial. Here are the pros and cons of veneers: Advantages of Veneers Porcelain veneers can help you achieve the dream "Hollywood" smile. Before deciding if porcelain [...]

What You Should Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers2022-07-13T15:29:40-06:00

Receding Gumlines: Why does this happen, and what can you do?


When patients notice receding gumlines, it’s natural to be concerned about their oral health—and for a good reason. Receding gums causes patients to become more susceptible to health issues like sensitivity, tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. If you’re alarmed by receding gumlines, continue reading and schedule an appointment at Metropolitan Dental Care. Our top dentists in Denver, CO, can tell you why you’re experiencing this oral health issue and how to address it. Why do gums recede? Although you might notice receding gumlines for a number of reasons, here are a few: Aggressive Toothbrushing Even though they are often [...]

Receding Gumlines: Why does this happen, and what can you do?2022-07-11T16:16:03-06:00

Sore Gums: What causes it?


When you think of your dental health, you might focus solely on your teeth. However, healthy gums are essential to your dental health and overall wellness. Therefore, if you notice that your gums are starting to feel sore, don’t ignore it. Although sore gums are a common phenomenon, the team at Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver wouldn’t consider it a “normal part of life.” Here are the top seven perpetrators behind sore gums and how to find relief through periodontal care: 1. Poor Oral Hygiene Did you know that 80% gingival sensitivity starts at the gum line? This statistic is the [...]

Sore Gums: What causes it?2022-07-01T14:07:46-06:00

Tooth Decay (Cavities): An Untold Horror Story


To a lesser or greater extent, tooth decay is a circumstance that most of us experience at some point in our lifetime. Tooth decay occurs when cavity-causing pathogens and food particles accumulate in the mouth, forming plaque. Eventually, the acids in plaque eat away at the enamel and form tiny holes, known as cavities. Our Metropolitan Dental Care Team can help you effectively prevent, detect, and treat tooth decay. Discover how Denver’s Top Dentists can protect your smile. Some people are predisposed to cavities, while others develop tooth decay from poor oral hygiene habits. Regardless of how your dental decay starts, [...]

Tooth Decay (Cavities): An Untold Horror Story2022-06-08T10:20:36-06:00

Dental Office Visits: Does the six-month rule apply to everyone?


"Ok, everything looks great! We'll see you again in six months." Dentists and dental hygienists everywhere repeat these lines at the end of almost every dental office appointment. If you've heard this line, you might be wondering why you've been told this. Is there something secretly special about having your teeth cleaned every 180 days? In this Metropolitan Dental Care blog, we unpack the origins and truth behind the six-month rule, list specific populations that should visit the dentist more often, and help you arrange a preventive dental office visit in Denver, CO. The Six-Month Dental Office Visit Rule: Is it [...]

Dental Office Visits: Does the six-month rule apply to everyone?2022-08-31T10:00:37-06:00
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